Coffee Centers

Please visit us in our Coffee Center

in Prague or Liberec

Coffee Centers


By the opening of Coffee Centers in Prague and Liberec, we created meeting points for those similarly enchanted by coffee, or for those who just started discovering its charms. We're pleased to maintain the family environment in the company, and we insist on the same approach towards the customers. Coffee needs friendly atmosphere.

JABLUM Czech was established in 2007 as a family business specialized in coffee. Over the years, it became our true passion which we are happy to pass on. For ten years, we have helped make your coffee dreams come true.


Naše nejnovější a současně největší kávové centrum můžete návštívit v Mladé Boleslavi. Na ploše více než 600m2 najdete moderně vybavenou pražírnu, sklad zelené kávy s úložnou kapacitou až 120 tun, ale i showroom s kompletní nabídkou domácích a profesionálních kávovarů. Velký prostor jsme věnovali také degustacím a interaktivním výpravám do světa kávy.

Our warehouses with capacity up to 60 tons regularly fill up with best green coffee beans from various parts of the world. That's why other coffee roasting plants know it's good to buy from us.


The center features our state-of-the-art roasting plant LORING Falcon 15 with the possibility of individual roasting profiles based on the customers’ preferences, or a modern and well-equipped lab for chemical analysis of coffee. In the showroom, the visitors can try out numerous automatic coffee makers.

As the first company in the Czech Republic and one of the few roasting plants in Europe, we at JABLUM Czech have built our own chemical lab.


Training coffee courses and tasting sessions enable us to share our experiences and passion for coffee. All courses are led by our experienced baristas in the fully equipped Coffee Center in Prague and Liberec. Most emphasis in our courses is always put into practical training. The golden rule is that there’s plenty of time for everything, as it’s the only way to ensure that everybody can learn the best skills to prepare delicious coffee drinks, using domestic or professional technology.